Loan Products

  • Bridging Finance

    A bridging loan is a type of short-term loan, typically taken out for a period of 1-6 months, pending the arrangement of larger or longer-term finance. A bridging loan is typically used to cover a timing gap between the sale and purchase of an asset such as property or plant and equipment.

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  • First Registered Mortgage

    A first registered mortgage allows you to borrow against the equity in your home or investment property.

    This type of loan is hassle-free, generally for a longer term and attracts a lower rate of interest.

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  • Second Registered Mortgage

    A second registered mortgage allows you to borrow against the residual equity in your home or investment property. A second mortgage loan generally requires a Deed of Priority with the first mortgagee.

    These types of loans are fast settling and are structured for a shorter term of 1 to 6 months.

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  • Caveat Loan

    An ideal loan when funds are required on an urgent basis. Loans can be approved and settled on the same day, without the need for a Deed of Priority with any existing mortgagee.

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  • Plant & Equipment

    Plant & Equipment finance is fast becoming an essential tool for businesses looking to make the most of their available assets or to purchase new or additional assets. In this instance the lender will take a charge over the assets of the borrower to secure the loan.

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